(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Wilbye, John.)
John Wilbye
(7 March 1574 — September 1638)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: John Willoughbye, John Wilby
Name in Other Languages: ジョン・ウィルビー, 約翰·威爾比, Τζον Ουίλμπι, جون ويلبى, Джон Уилби
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10116739, LCCN: n86017339, ISNI: 000000008089565X, GND: 118807277, SELIBR: 316391, SUDOC: 161199364, BNF: 148523442, MusicBrainz: f04b1bdd-d3cf-49d0-a860-f6c8554eac25, NKC: mzk2015871374, CiNii: DA04683302, IATH: w6r7911b
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Pages in category "Wilbye, John/Collections"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.