(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Went, Johann.)
Johann Went
(27 June 1745 — 3 July 1801)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Giovanni ; Jan ; Johann Nepomuk ; Wendt ; Vent ; Wenth
Name in Other Languages: Jan Nepomuk Vent, Johann Nepomuk Went, ヨハン・ヴェント, Johann Wenth
Aliases: Johann Wendt, Johann Nepomuk Wendt, Jan Vent
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 64195059, LCCN: n81075578, ISNI: 0000000083889490, GND: 103790411, SUDOC: 200557742, BNF: 139354451, MusicBrainz: a489c27a-ab79-44a8-bf88-818c4c51d467, NKC: ola2002145127, BNE: XX1753453
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Pages in category "Went, Johann/Arranger"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.