(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Waller, Edmund.)
Edmund Waller
(3 March 1606 — 21 October 1687)
Name in Other Languages: एडमंड वॉलर, Эдмунд Уоллер, エドマンド・ウォラー, 埃德蒙·和勒, אדמונד וולר
Aliases: True son of the Church of England and a lover of his countries liberty, Gentleman that loves the peace, Уоллер, Эдмунд
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 47109686, LCCN: n78097077, ISNI: 000000010896665X, [8 more...]GND: 1019757892, SELIBR: 277726, SUDOC: 032552882, BNF: 123561012, MusicBrainz: bee088f5-78cc-4763-b349-c842ee83bdbf, NLA: 35588780, NKC: xx0021083, CiNii: DA10222257
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