(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Volbach, Fritz.)
Fritz Volbach
(17 December 1861 — 30 November 1940)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Friederich Joseph Volbach
Name in Other Languages: Friedrich Volbach, فريتز ڤولباتش, Фриц Фольбах
Aliases: Volbach, Fiedrich Volbach
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10642793, LCCN: n88051080, ISNI: 0000000110210544, GND: 118829998, SUDOC: 057203385, BNF: 12999978f, BIBSYS: 90353343, MusicBrainz: 3d7b67bf-9704-4310-9895-fb6cb146e23e, NLA: 35566081, NKC: ola2005262975, ICCU: LO1V149946, BNE: XX1484972
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