(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Tye, Christopher.)
Christopher Tye
(1497? or ca.1505 — before 15 March 1573)
Name in Other Languages: كريستوفر تى, כריסטופר טיי, クリストファー・タイ, Кристофер Тай
Aliases: Christopher TYE
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29719592, LCCN: n79091199, ISNI: 0000000073649530, [8 more...]GND: 124524273, SUDOC: 158057074, BNF: 13900621r, MusicBrainz: a2cf1521-af9a-4ecb-820c-882698901025, NKC: xx0071473, ICCU: CFIV078804, BNE: XX1219612, CiNii: DA06847251
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- Even approximate date of birth seems to differ wildly with 1497 and 1505 seeming to be base points, while MusicSack goes for a death year of 1580, unconvinced that "before 1573" is established beyond doubt?