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Andrea Leone Tottola
(? — 15 September 1831)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Andreas Tottola, Leone Tottola
Name in Other Languages: Andrea Tottola, アンドレア・レオーネ・トットラ, Андреа Леоне Тоттола, Andreas Leone Tottola
Aliases: Тоттола, Андреа Леоне, Leone Tottola
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 232616719, LCCN: n82012131, ISNI: 000000036749479X, [9 more...]GND: 115458239, SUDOC: 142611921, BNF: 12055459f, MusicBrainz: cea2997f-796e-4e9c-bfb1-3149867c2b9b, NKC: jx20070626007, ICCU: CFIV119475, BNE: XX1455558, CiNii: DA06602039, IATH: w6b282bz
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Place of birth not known but believed to have been Naples.