(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Tenducci, Giusto Ferdinando.)
Giusto Ferdinando Tenducci
(? — 25 January 1790)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ferdinand Tenducci
Name in Other Languages: Giusto Fernando Tenducci, Джусто Фернандо Тендуччи
Aliases: Тендуччи Джусто Фернандо, Justus Ferdinand Tenducci
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 231346334, LCCN: n83148881, ISNI: 0000000366980083, GND: 1020578653, SUDOC: 167340328, BNF: 14782837m, NKC: jx20121017002, IATH: w60g4nfv
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Pages in category "Tenducci, Giusto Ferdinando/Books"
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