(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Taffanel, Paul.)
Paul Taffanel
(16 September 1844 — 21 November 1908)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Claude-Paul Taffanel
Name in Other Languages: پول تافانيل, Claude-Paul Taffanel, פול טפנל, Պոլ Տաֆանել, ポール・タファネル, Поль Таффанель
Aliases: Таффанель, Поль, Claudio Paolo Taffanel, Claude Paul Taffanel
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 47025717, LCCN: n83188384, ISNI: 0000000114432945, [14 more...]GND: 117196908, SELIBR: 260460, SUDOC: 078617049, BNF: 14789727q, BIBSYS: 99025291, MusicBrainz: b81c7ece-a099-44a7-95d1-0d4a14cd9e06, NLA: 35771485, NDL: 01150185, NKC: jn20000605258, Léonore: LH//2562/17, ICCU: LIGV047995, BNE: XX1559659, CiNii: DA10483658, IATH: w6sj1w86
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Pages in category "Taffanel, Paul/Dedicatee"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
ABCDFGIM | NP- Pastorale, Op.71 (Pfeiffer, Georges Jean)
- Pastorale (Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste)
- 2 Pièces pour flûte, Op.72 (Lefebvre, Charles)
- 3 Pièces, Op.28 (Pessard, Émile)
- 3 Pieces, Op.31 (Boisdeffre, René de)
- Prélude et variations sur 'Le carnaval de Venise', Op.20 (Lalliet, Theodore)