(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Türk, Daniel Gottlob.)
Daniel Gottlob Türk
(10 August 1750 — 26 August 1813)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Daniel Gottlieb Türk, Daniel Gottlob Türck, Daniel Theophil Turk
Name in Other Languages: Daniel Gottlieb Türk, Даниэль Готлоб Тюрк, ダニエル・ゴットロープ・テュルク, Daniel Gottlob Turk, دانيل جوتلوب تورك, 蒂爾克, Դանիել Գոթլոբ Թյուրք
Aliases: Türk, Tyrk, Daniel Gottlob, Тюрк Даниэль Готлоб, Daniel Gottlob Türck, Daniel Gottlob Tuerk
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 69063932, LCCN: n81097545, ISNI: 0000000109125932, GND: 119127709, SUDOC: 080734596, BNF: 130060570, BIBSYS: 90760137, MusicBrainz: 5af3bfbf-cf74-4ae7-a1de-7a9759f36986, NDL: 00801617, NKC: jn20031222035, BNE: XX1463134, CiNii: DA05159901, IATH: w6sn4v0c
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HedT catalog numbers from Gretchen Emilie Hedler's 1936 U. Leipzig Dissertation, "Daniel Gottlob Turk (1750- 1813)."
TüWV catalog numbers are from Kathrin Eberl-Ruf's 2011 study Daniel Gottlob Türk in the series ortus studien.
Pages in category "Türk, Daniel Gottlob/Collections"
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