(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Stokem, Johannes de.)
Johannes de Stokem
(ca. 1445 — 2/3 October 1487)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Prato, Pratis, Stockem, Stokhem, Stoken, Stoccken, Stoecken, Sthoken
Name in Other Languages: Johannes Stokem, Johannes Stockem, چوهانس د ستوكيم
Aliases: Stochem, Stoken
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79201034, LCCN: nr89016065, ISNI: 0000000073714531, GND: 134093380, BNF: 14827109k, MusicBrainz: 4352fc0f-c943-4f60-ad4b-4378844e96d0
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Pages in category "Stokem, Johannes de/Collections"
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