(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Stieglitz, Heinrich Wilhelm.)
Heinrich Wilhelm Stieglitz
(22 February 1801 — 23 August 1849)
Name in Other Languages: Heinrich Stieglitz, Генрих Штиглиц, Heinrich Wilhelm August Stieglitz, هاينريش ويلهلم ستيغليتز, Hajnrih Štiglic
Aliases: Stieglitz, Charlotte Stieglitz, Charlotte Sophie Stieglitz, Штиглиц, Генрих
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 22950465, LCCN: n92027764, ISNI: 0000000061462664, GND: 119396289, [3 more...]SUDOC: 034167250, BNF: 124952629, NKC: xx0057044
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Hungarian Wikipedia gives 21 February 1803 for birthdate. Treccani and some other sources seem to confirm the 1801-2-22 date.