(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Stern, Théophile.)
Théophile Stern
(24 July 1803 — 1 December 1886)
Name in Other Languages: Георг Фридрих Теофил Штерн, Georg Friedrich Theophil Stern
Aliases: Штерн Георг Фридрих Теофил, Theophile Stern
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 291919691, LCCN: no2004087808, ISNI: 000000007994213X, GND: 124342663, SUDOC: 094476209, BNF: 14827825r, MusicBrainz: b35c8646-cd51-4ab5-8c5b-3a23108864f4, BNE: XX5012184
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Pages in category "Stern, Théophile/Collections"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.