(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Steigleder, Johann Ulrich.)
Johann Ulrich Steigleder
(22 March 1593 — 10 October 1635)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Hans Ulrich Steigleder
Name in Other Languages: יוהאן אולריך שטייגלדר, ヨハン・ウルリッヒ・シュタイグレーダー, چوهان ولريتش ستيجليدير
Aliases: Hans Ulrich Steigleder, יוהן אולריך שטייגלדר
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5171264, LCCN: no91023622, ISNI: 0000000110363700, GND: 121395545, SUDOC: 079490735, BNF: 145524215, MusicBrainz: 484f627b-4d93-48fe-95b2-503f39281f30, NKC: xx0173174, BNE: XX1761556, IATH: w6m407d2
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