(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Störl, Johann Georg Christian.)
Johann Georg Christian Störl
(14 August 1675 — 26 July 1719)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Sterle, Stöhrle, Störlin, Störl
Name in Other Languages: Johann Georg Christian Storl
Aliases: Johann Georg Störl
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 22340173, LCCN: no93035860, ISNI: 0000000121239158, GND: 100593119, SUDOC: 233334130, BNF: 14016359v, MusicBrainz: 0a15c0b3-6465-4bb6-9397-13cc49632400, NKC: osd2014821443, BNE: XX4890775
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Pages in category "Störl, Johann Georg Christian/Collections"
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