(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sollogub, Vladimir.)
Vladimir Sollogub
(20 August 1813 — 17 June 1882)
Name in Other Languages: Wladimir Alexandrowitsch Sollogub, Владимир Александрович Соллогуб, Vladimir Sollogoub, Vladímir Sollogub, Władimir Sołłogub, ウラディーミル・ソログプ, Соллогуб Володимир Олександрович, Vladimir Alexandrovič Sollogub, Վլադիմիր Սոլոգուբ, ڤلاديمير سولوجوب, Владимир Сологуб, Vlagyimir Alekszandrovics Szollogub
Aliases: Wladimir Sollogub, Sollogub, Vladimir Alexandrovich Sollogub, Wladimir Sologub, Соллогуб В. А., Владимир Соллогуб, Соллогуб Владимир Александрович, Соллогуб В., Соллогуб, Владимир, Vladimir Sologoub, Vladimir Aleksandrovitj Sollogub, Count Vladimir Alexandrovich Sollogub, Vladimir Aleksandrovič Sollogub, Vlagyimir Szollogub, Vlagyimir A. Szollogub
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 14947145, LCCN: n83071242, ISNI: 0000000080943834, GND: 118797956, SELIBR: 312079, SUDOC: 061795615, BNF: 13610775n, BIBSYS: 90382814, MusicBrainz: 00747fd3-1925-487f-8674-d733e0e800e0, NLA: 66088059, NKC: jn19990210574, ICCU: MILV011320, RLS: 000033166, BNE: XX999807, CiNii: DA02385959
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Pages in category "Sollogub, Vladimir/Dedicatee"
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