(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schwencke, Christian Friedrich Gottlieb.)
Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwencke
(30 August 1767 — 27 October 1822)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: C.F.G. Schwencke, Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwenke
Aliases: Christian Friedrich Gottlob Schwencke
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29797518, LCCN: no93008628, ISNI: 000000008368337X, GND: 124268498, SELIBR: 207350, BNF: 14815204f, MusicBrainz: 11b35e31-d095-412a-8c56-08097d2dba3c, ICCU: MUSV060020
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Pages in category "Schwencke, Christian Friedrich Gottlieb/Arranger"
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