(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schuster, Joseph.)
Joseph Schuster
(11 August 1748 — 24 July 1812)
Name in Other Languages: ヨーゼフ・シュースター, Йозеф Шустер, جوزيف شوستر, چوزيف شوستر
Aliases: Шустер Йозеф, Giuseppe Schuster
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19949023, LCCN: n85023275, ISNI: 000000010877130X, [10 more...]GND: 119267632, BNF: 14850022f, MusicBrainz: 9f567cf6-634a-4845-a45a-30720b939ccc, NLA: 67000549, NKC: mzk2010579546, ICCU: SBLV320273, BNE: XX1731808, CiNii: DA10744059, RKD: 71399, IATH: w6891rj2
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- An 1823 book was produced (mentioned in RISM in entries on Schuster’s masses) by Schuster’s pupils (possibly specifically by the church-composer Franz Schubert (not... I think?... Franz Schubert (Franz Peter Schubert) (1797-1828)) (Catalogus derer Kirchen Musicalien des Herrn Capell-Meister Joseph Schuster. Armaro VIII. Zusammengetragen von Kirchen Compositeur Franz Schubert. / Anno 1823. / Sein Schüler.) Some of his works are listed in this book (e.g. his G minor mass (autograph 1772) on pages 4-5, as noted in the corresponding RISM entry.)