(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sartorio, Arnoldo.)
Arnoldo Sartorio
(30 March 1853 — 15 February 1936)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arnold Gabriel Holland Sartorio (birth name) ; Victor Abelle ; Carlotta Bocca ; Arthur Dana (Arthur P. Schmidt house name) ; T. Devrient ; Felix Durand ; Rudolf Eckhardt ; Myron Esterbrook ; Calvin Grooms ; Gustav Hansen ; Adolf Hartmann ; Henri Lazare ; Max Lenecke ; Felipe Martinez ; J. Melnik ; Ferdinand Meyer (Arthur P. Schmidt house name) ; Ch. Riviere ; Christian Schäfer
Aliases: Arnold Gabriel Holland Sartorio
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 245212177, LCCN: no93010608, ISNI: 0000000369966420, GND: 174073747, NLA: 64104563, NKC: mzk2015855832, ICCU: CUBV142161
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Pages in category "Sartorio, Arnoldo/Arranger"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.