(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Rolli, Paolo Antonio.)
Paolo Antonio Rolli
(16 July 1687 — 20 March 1765)
Name in Other Languages: Паоло Антонио Ролли, Paolo Rolli, パオロ・アントニオ・ロッリ
Aliases: Ролли П., Ролли Паоло Антонио, Ролли П. А., Паоло Ролли, Ролли, Паоло, [2 more...]Ролли, Ролли, Паоло Антонио
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 95205638, LCCN: n79070062, ISNI: 0000000121441823, [12 more...]GND: 119079070, SELIBR: 322034, SUDOC: 032925166, BNF: 12385943k, BIBSYS: 4000161, MusicBrainz: 10b0bc11-553d-488e-9ffb-2dbda4bbfd45, NLA: 36192952, NKC: xx0138516, ICCU: CFIV022576, BNE: XX1422647, CiNii: DA1052674X, IATH: w6sr08cs
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Pages in category "Rolli, Paolo Antonio/Librettist"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
ACD- Deh lasciate e vita e volo, GraunWV B:III:21 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)
- Deh! lasciate e vita e volo, HWV 103 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Deidamia, HWV 42 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Di canzonette e di cantate (Rolli, Paolo Antonio)
- Dolc' è pur d'amor l'affanno, HWV 109a (Handel, George Frideric)
- Dolc' è pur d'amor l'affanno, HWV 109b (Handel, George Frideric)