(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Rolle, Johann Heinrich.)
Johann Heinrich Rolle
(23 December 1716 — 29 December 1785)
Name in Other Languages: Иоганн Генрих Ролле, چوهان هينريخ رول
Aliases: Ролле Иоганн Генрих
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59352113, LCCN: no94008907, ISNI: 0000000121352206, GND: 119147033, SUDOC: 080602002, BNF: 14843069m, MusicBrainz: fabbff8e-992b-48a8-aef9-0caea5489796, NKC: jx20080307015, ICCU: LO1V170050, BNE: XX4817878, IATH: w63j3cbf
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