(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Rogers, Clara Kathleen.)
Clara Kathleen Rogers
(14 January 1844 — 8 March 1931)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Clara K. Rogers ; Clara Doria (pseudonym) ; Clara Kathleen Barnett (birth name)
Name in Other Languages: Clara Kathlenn Rogers, کلارا کاتلین راجرز, كلارا كاثلين روجرز
Aliases: Clara Kathlenn Barnett, Clara Kathleen Barnett Rogers, Clara Doria
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 66731782, LCCN: no93033007, ISNI: 0000000083903619, GND: 124332048, SUDOC: 145188698, BNF: 14823035w, MusicBrainz: d63bec20-2f7e-4343-8175-2fb56e73154f, BNE: XX1778513, CiNii: DA13659105, IATH: w6668jds
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- Daughter of John Barnett, and cousin of John Francis Barnett; grand-daughter of Robert Lindley.
- Moved to Leipzig at age 12 where she was accepted to the Conservatory on her 2nd try, the youngest student to study there. Moved to the United States beginning 1871.
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