(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ritter, Hermann.)
Hermann Ritter
(16 September 1849 — 25 January 1926)
Name in Other Languages: Герман Риттер, هرمان ریتر, هرمان ريتر
Aliases: Риттер Герман
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 45102394, LCCN: no96024832, ISNI: 0000000109684072, [5 more...]GND: 119006499, BNF: 16416726z, MusicBrainz: e0f41677-52eb-45b3-bc62-5554b192df38, NKC: mzk2010585499, ICCU: ATMV002069
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- (Co-)Inventor of the Viola Alta (Wikipedia article (Hungarian)), a larger viola no longer in much use, for which some compositions (including several sonatas) were written.
Not to be confused with another slightly older Hermann Ritter, a song composer