(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ricci, Luigi.)
Luigi Ricci
(8 June 1805 — 31 December 1859)
Name in Other Languages: Луиджи Риччи, ルイジ・リッチ, לואיג'י ריצ'י, Luigi Ricci (kompozytor)
Aliases: Риччи Луиджи, ルイージ・リッチ (作曲家)
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12570123, LCCN: n82225840, ISNI: 0000000083577104, GND: 132700107, SUDOC: 067224652, BNF: 14796734g, BIBSYS: 3019462, MusicBrainz: 450b6cdf-846c-4c20-9e54-24287bb63bce, NLA: 35454301, NKC: mzk2010583988, ICCU: RMLV040307, BNE: XX1358503, IATH: w6jm2c43
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