(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:RISM.)
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Alternative Names/Transliterations: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales ; International Inventory of Musical Sources ; Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik
Name in Other Languages: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales, Répertoire international des sources musicales, RISM, 國際音樂文獻資源總目, الدليل الدولي للمصادر الموسيقية, [3 more...]Διεθνές Ευρετήριο Μουσικών Πηγών, فهرست بینالمللی منابع موسیقی, Međunarodni inventar muzičkih izvora
Aliases: Международный каталог музыкальных источников, Repertoire International des Sources Musicales, Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik, Repertoire international des sources musicales, International Inventory of Musical Sources, [2 more...]DE633, Міжнародний каталог музичних джерел
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 145363839, LCCN: n88603147, ISNI: 0000000107907471, [9 more...]GND: 2126672-4, SELIBR: 274847, SUDOC: 034425187, BNF: 125182120, BIBSYS: 10072269, NLA: 35573617, NKC: kn20140127001, ICCU: UFIV043397, BNE: XX147717
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