(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Phalèse, Pierre .)
Pierre Phalèse (ca.1510 — ca.1575)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Petrus Phalesius
Name in Other Languages: Petrus Phalesius the Elder , Petrus Phalesius , Пьер Фалез
Aliases: Phalèse , Phalese , Pieter Phalesius , Pierre Phalese , Pierre Phalése , [5 more... ] Phalesius , Pieter van der Phaliesen , Peeter Van der Phaliesen , Pierre Phalèse the Elder , van der Phaliesen
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 2891420 , LCCN : n86042182 , ISNI : 0000000121182120 , [7 more... ] GND : 119096765 , SUDOC : 031130682 , BNF : 13983707v , BIBSYS : 7076021 , MusicBrainz : 0cf8715f-2d5f-4c15-9754-f19200edada5 , NDL : 001352665 , BNE : XX1413424
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Pages in category "Phalèse, Pierre/Collections"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
❉ – All (19) 𝐍 – Naxos (3) S – Scores (7) P – Parts (12) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (3) 🔀 📻
C Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 1 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 2 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 3 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 4 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 6 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 7 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 8 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantionum sacrarum, Liber 5 (Phalèse, Pierre) Cantuale juxta usum insignis ecclesiæ (Phalèse, Pierre) Carminum quae chely vel testudine canuntur (Phalèse, Pierre)D D cont. F G H L R S