(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ossian.)
(fl.200 — fl.300)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Oisín, Oisin, Oisean, Oisian, Oisein, Ossiaan, Óisein
Name in Other Languages: Ossian, Оссиан, Осиан, Oisean, Osszián, [13 more...]オシアン, Osijan, Оссіан, 莪相, Οσσιανός, 오시안, Ossían, Osjan (Macpherson), Osiano giesmės, ოსიანი, אוסיאן, Асіян, Oisín
Aliases: Ойсин, Ошин, Оссиан (бард), Oscian, Ossian (Macpherson), Όσσιαν
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79013925, LCCN: n83139004, ISNI: 000000008077935X, [4 more...]GND: 118747800, SUDOC: 116374152, BNF: 10573485h, BNE: XX1333465
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- Ossian's works were "translated" by James Macpherson (1736—1796). Since Macpherson is the source of the majority of Ossianic texts set to music, he ought to be credited at least as co-author.