(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Niemann, Walter.)
Walter Niemann
(10 October 1876 — 17 June 1953)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Walter Rudolph Niemann
Name in Other Languages: ワルター・ニーマン, Вальтер Ниман, Walter Neumann, والتر نيمان
Aliases: ヴァルター・ニーマン, Ниман, Вальтер, Walter Rudolph Niemann
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 32262888, LCCN: n86143580, ISNI: 0000000108855570, GND: 117002178, SUDOC: 111324718, BNF: 14824055r, MusicBrainz: 42b8620f-e8bf-433e-9676-e0e284ff7f26, NLA: 35387427, NKC: jn20010601279, ICCU: ATMV002172, CiNii: DA02377757, IATH: w62c1p9x
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Pages in category "Niemann, Walter/Books"
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