(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Nevin, Ethelbert.)
Ethelbert Nevin
(25 November 1862 — 17 February 1901)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin
Name in Other Languages: Этельберт Невин, اثيلبيرت نيڤين, Ethelbeg Woodbridge Nevin
Aliases: Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin, Невин, Этельберт
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79167354, LCCN: n82063869, ISNI: 0000000110300996, GND: 13483240X, SUDOC: 170391337, BNF: 13897926p, BIBSYS: 9002512, MusicBrainz: 959bb629-fefd-4e0b-8368-75618ad12998, NLA: 35957961, NKC: jx20090611008, ICCU: CUBV119246, BNE: XX1470763, CiNii: DA13592219, IATH: w6th91br
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Pages in category "Nevin, Ethelbert/Collections"
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