(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Negri, Cesare.)
Cesare Negri
(ca.1535 — ca.1605)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Il Trombone
Name in Other Languages: Негри, Чезаре, チェーザレ・ネグリ, تشيزاري نيجري, تشيزارى نيجرى, Чэзарэ Негры
Aliases: Чезаре Негри
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 100202912, LCCN: n85050935, ISNI: 0000000118676306, GND: 119121514, SUDOC: 034744088, BNF: 13897888z, MusicBrainz: aeaf2a92-892e-42f0-a08e-96b3dd305df0, NKC: jx20070906002, ICCU: DDSV038049, BNE: XX1217509, IATH: w6352vh9
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Pages in category "Negri, Cesare/Collections"
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