(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mugellini, Bruno.)
Bruno Mugellini
(24 December 1871 — 15 January 1912)
Name in Other Languages: Бруно Муджеллини, ブルーノ・ムジェリーニ, Бруно Муджелліні, Μπρούνο Μουτζελίνι
Aliases: Муджеллини, Муджеллини Бруно, Муджеллини, Бруно, Bruno Mongellini
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 43853111, LCCN: no88001570, ISNI: 0000000081222318, GND: 134468988, [8 more...]SUDOC: 143502530, BNF: 164005780, BIBSYS: 4001232, NLA: 35865789, NKC: mzk2012737555, ICCU: LO1V087863, BNE: XX4860103, CiNii: DA09560809
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Pages in category "Mugellini, Bruno/Editor"
The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.
E- 6 English Suites, BWV 806-811 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- 25 Etudes faciles et progressives, Op.100 (Bertini, Henri)
- 25 Etudes mélodiques, Op.45 (Heller, Stephen)
- 24 Etudes, Op.20 (Kessler, Joseph Christoph)
- 25 Etudes, Op.47 (Heller, Stephen)