(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mohr, Jean Baptiste Victor.)
Jean Baptiste Victor Mohr
(24 February 1823 — 14 April 1891)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jean Mohr; Victor Mohr
Name in Other Languages: Jean-Baptiste Mohr, Jean Mohr
Aliases: Jean Baptiste Mohr, Jean-Baptiste Victor Mohr
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 61812641, LCCN: n96008856, ISNI: 0000000031754391, GND: 1084356988, [3 more...]SUDOC: 251391574, BNF: 14797668r, BNE: XX1368888
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not the "J. Mohr" whose 2 duos concertantes for 2 clarinets were published in 1833 by Richault (depending on the accuracy of the dates here and the composer's precocity. However,
BNF does list Jean Baptiste Mohr as the composer- BdlF sticks to "Mohr, J.")