(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mitusov, Stepan.)
Stepan Mitusov
(24 September 1878 — 27 January 1942)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Степан Степанович Митусов, Stepan Stepanovich Mitusov, Etienne Mitoussow, Stefan Mitusov, Stephan Mitusov
Name in Other Languages: Степан Степанович Митусов, Stepan Nikolajevič Mitusov
Aliases: Митусов, Степан Степанович, Étienne Mitoussow
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 59514148, LCCN: n90726164, ISNI: 0000000116526785, GND: 126949077, [3 more...]SUDOC: 071205853, BNF: 14691856p, NKC: mzk2016900960
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Miscellaneous information
- Son of Stepan Nikolayevich Mitusov (b. 1847)
- Some sources incorrectly record that his patronymic is Nikolaevich (probably confused with his father's name).
Pages in category "Mitusov, Stepan/Translator"
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