(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Meyer, Jenny.)
Jenny Meyer
(26 March 1834 — 20 July 1894)
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Miscellaneous information
Concert and opera singer.
Director of the
Stern Conservatory from 1888 to 1894, preceding
Gustav Hollaender (1855—1915, director 1895-1915).
Julius Stern (1820—1883), founder of the conservatory, was her brother in law.
In 1890 her sister applied to the Emperor and King for the title of "Professor" to Jenny Meyer. The Minister of Education rejected her request with the remark "...it has not been customary in the Prussian administration up to now to distinguish a female person by the title of professor"; however, he noted that Jenny Meyer "is known as a capable teacher". („...es in der preußischen Verwaltung preußischen Verwaltung bisher nicht üblich gewesen ist, eine weibliche Person durch den Professortitel auszuzeichnen“; er bemerkte aber, dass Jenny Meyer „als tüchtige Lehrerin bekannt ist.“)
Pages in category "Meyer, Jenny/Dedicatee"
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