(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Methfessel, Albert Gottlieb.)
Albert Gottlieb Methfessel
(6 October 1785 — 23 March 1869)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Albert Gottlieb Methfessel; Albert Methfessel
Name in Other Languages: Albert Methfessel, Иоганн Альберт Готлиб Метфессель, البيرت ميثفيسيل, 阿尔伯特·梅特费塞尔
Aliases: Johann Albrecht Gottlieb Methfessel, Johann Albert Gottlieb Methfessel, Метфессель Иоганн Альберт Готлиб, Альберт Метфессель
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 69695656, LCCN: no2002066976, ISNI: 0000000116666761, GND: 116953829, BNF: 14801759x, MusicBrainz: 153f2953-fd1b-4a44-8bb1-e0c576b45f5b, NKC: ola2009548176, BNE: XX4615066, CiNii: DA18391906
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Composer of several songs which became "folk songs" such as 'Hinaus in die Ferne'
(for example, see
Deutsche Weisen (Various)
Pages in category "Methfessel, Albert Gottlieb/Collections"
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