(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Marshall of Fochabers, William.)
William Marshall of Fochabers
(27 December 1748 — 29 May 1833)
Name in Other Languages: William Marshall, ویلیام مارشال, ויליאם מרשל, A. William Marshall, ويليام مارشال (ملحن), উইলিয়াম মার্শাল
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 43575399, LCCN: n96109380, ISNI: 000000003347780X, [3 more...]GND: 1089261659, MusicBrainz: a5969d99-5609-49da-b451-227a84a69eaf, IATH: w66q2h0w
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