(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Majláth, Johann Graf von.)
Johann Graf von Majláth
(3 October 1786 — 3 January 1855)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Graf Mailáth von Székhely ; János (Nepomuk Jozsef) Mailáth, gróf ; Janos Mailath
Name in Other Languages: János Majláth, Mailáth János, János Mailáth, Johann Mailáth, Janos Majlath, [4 more...]يانوش مايلات, Янош Майлат, ヤノス・マイラット, Յանոշ Մայլատ
Aliases: Majláth János, Johann Graf Mailáth von Székhely, Johann Graf Mailáth, Count Mailáth, János Nepomuk Jozsef Mailáth, [6 more...]John Count Mailath, Count János Mailáth, Traubinger à Codexi, Johann Majláth, ヤノス・マジュラート, Майлат, Янош
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 74609784, LCCN: no2002058960, ISNI: 0000000109883231, [3 more...]GND: 116688912, BNF: 12818263d, NKC: xx0156913
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Pages in category "Majláth, Johann Graf von/Librettist"
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