(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lupo, Thomas.)
Thomas Lupo
(7 August 1571 — December 1627)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Lupo the Elder
Name in Other Languages: トマス・ルポ, Thomas Lupo the elder, תומאס לופו, Thomas (I) Lupo, توماس لوپو
Aliases: トーマス・ルポ, Thomas Lupo the Elder
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79168175, LCCN: n83177474, ISNI: 0000000118909659, [7 more...]GND: 103790152, SUDOC: 172628393, BNF: 13922978f, BIBSYS: 1498562804143, MusicBrainz: f1c8ca9e-d181-4889-a760-5dd82d26930f, BNE: XX1769329, IATH: w6pk1bds
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