(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lorenzo, Leonardo de.)
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Leonardo de Lorenzo
(29 August 1875 — 27 July 1962)
Name in Other Languages: Leonardo De Lorenzo, Де Лоренцо, Леонардо, レオナルド・デ・ロレンツォ, ლეონარდო დე ლორენცო, Leonardus De Lorenzo, [7 more...]לאונרדו דה לורנזו, 莱昂纳多·德·洛伦佐, لئوناردو د لورنتزو, Леонардо ди Лоренцо, ليوناردو دي لورينزو, ليوناردو دى لورينزو (ملحن), 레오나르도 데 로렌초
Aliases: Леонардо Де Лоренцо, Leonardo DaLorenzo, Leonardo DeLorenzo, Leonardo Da Lorenzo, Leonardo da Lorenzo
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79260944, LCCN: n82066811, ISNI: 0000000117720520, [7 more...]GND: 135208300, BNF: 16590525f, BIBSYS: 8058058, MusicBrainz: d7958719-4b16-4659-8ece-f9c1c1867ac3, NKC: xx0182825, ICCU: MODV660771, IATH: w6f554vb
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Pages in category "Lorenzo, Leonardo de/Editor"
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