(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Linley, Thomas.)
Thomas Linley
(17 January 1733 — 19 November 1795)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Linley the Elder, Thomas Linley Sr.
Name in Other Languages: Thomas Linley senior, トーマス・リンリー・ジ・エルダー, Thomas Linley d.ä., Thomas Linley the elder, Thomas Linley (lahir 1733), [7 more...]托馬斯·林利, A. Thomas Linley the elder, توماس لينلى (ملحن), Thomas Linley den ældre, Томас Линли, תומאס לינלי, Thomas Linley (aita)
Aliases: Линли, Томас (старший), Thomas Linley père, Thomas Linley l'ancien, Thomas Linley de Oudere
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 37107056, LCCN: n82225780, ISNI: 0000000081161631, [8 more...]GND: 102411255, SELIBR: 137473, BNF: 13944598v, MusicBrainz: a591d129-9945-4571-b719-329ea7c13ef0, NLA: 50625478, ICCU: MUSV039080, CiNii: DA06838239, IATH: w60g4f84
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