(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Leslie, Henry.)
Henry Leslie
(18 June 1822 — 4 February 1896)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Henry David Leslie
Name in Other Languages: Henry David Leslie, هنری دیوید لسلی, هنرى ديڤيد ليسلى
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 197149196261174790666, LCCN: no2001046474, ISNI: 0000000063202663, GND: 116948981, SUDOC: 133236935, BNF: 16548159j, MusicBrainz: 9d0d58d1-1307-42d3-b1b8-55310d576268, ICCU: MUSV038576, BNE: XX1628888, IATH: w6sn0mv5
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Pages in category "Leslie, Henry/Dedicatee"
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