(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Laub, Thomas.)
Thomas Laub
(5 December 1852 — 4 February 1927)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Linnemann Laub
Name in Other Languages: 湯瑪斯·拉烏伯, 汤玛斯·拉乌伯, トマス・ラウプ
Aliases: Thomas Linnemann Laub, Laub, Th. Laub, 托马斯·劳布
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12505908, LCCN: nr95006676, ISNI: 0000000058864427, GND: 127959904, SELIBR: 207259, SUDOC: 165943270, BNF: 14034422q, MusicBrainz: 6642b72d-288a-47ae-910b-5cdd11a7f806, NKC: mzk2014826671, IATH: w6n626j6
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Pages in category "Laub, Thomas/Collections"
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