(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:La Trobe, Johann Friedrich.)
Johann Friedrich La Trobe
(30 May 1769 — 19 December 1845)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Friedrich Bonneval de La Trobe; Latrobe; John Frederick (Bonneval) Latrobe
Name in Other Languages: Johann Friedrich Bonneval Latrobe, John Frederic Latrobe, Иоганн-Фридрих де ля Троб
Aliases: Johann Friedrich Bonneval de La Trobe
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 27331524, LCCN: n97026506, ISNI: 000000011753746X, GND: 120013665, SUDOC: 159244455, BNF: 14818052g, MusicBrainz: 78798498-b409-41c1-bfc0-2b7702714cc9, CiNii: DA13280544
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Pages in category "La Trobe, Johann Friedrich/Dedicatee"
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