(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Löhner-Beda, Fritz.)
Fritz Löhner-Beda
(24 June 1883 — 4 December 1942)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Bedřich Löwy (birth name) ; Beda (pseud.)
Name in Other Languages: فريتز لوهنير بيدا, פריץ לוהנר-בֶּדַה, フリッツ・レーナー=ベーダ, Фриц Лёнер-Бе́да
Aliases: Friedrich Löwy, Löhner-Beda, Fritz Beda-Löhner, Bedřich Löwy, Fritz Lohner-Beda, [6 more...]Fritz Lohner, Beda, Bedřích Löwy, 00002482913 IPI, 00018334203 IPI, 00054147000 IPI
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10712502, LCCN: n82101502, ISNI: 0000000108697752, [11 more...]GND: 12183557X, SELIBR: 308985, SUDOC: 088083640, BNF: 14201419t, BIBSYS: 3002832, MusicBrainz: 24295cdd-ea17-4a70-878b-8194aa9d8f35, NLA: 35712549, NKC: xx0024422, ICCU: CUBV092339, BNE: XX1081862, IATH: w6q0904j
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"Beda", his nom de plume, was initially a shortened form of Bedřich (he had a number of texts published as just "Beda") before being incorporated into his longer "new full name" (his family changed their surname in 1896 to Löhner, and his nickname Beda got added at some point along the line, in other words.)