(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:L'Épine, Ernest.)
Ernest L'Épine
(12 September 1826 — 4 February 1893)
Name in Other Languages: Ernest L’Épine, Ernest-Louis-Victor-Jules L'Épine, Ernest L'Epine, Quatrelles Quatrelles
Aliases: Ernest Lépine, Quatrelles, E. L'Epine, L'Epine, E., L'Épine, E.
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 165248807, LCCN: n90702764, ISNI: 0000000444583420, GND: 1055728805, SUDOC: 035812559, BNF: 13009851v, NKC: js2017969134, Léonore: LH//1597/9, ICCU: CUBV130477
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- Detailed biography: None given
Pages in category "L'Épine, Ernest/Librettist"
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