(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kurz, Vilém.)
Vilém Kurz
(23 December 1872 — 25 May 1945)
Name in Other Languages: ヴィレーム・クルツ, Vilém Kurz Młodszy, Vilém Kurz mladší, וילם קורץ, Вилем Курц, Вілем Курц, Vilem Kurz, فيليم كورتس, 維萊姆·庫爾茲
Aliases: ヴィレム・クルツ, Вилем Курц-младший, Курц, Вилем
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 52120162, LCCN: n88093126, ISNI: 000000012133127X, GND: 101776588X, BNF: 14765467r, MusicBrainz: 257e894f-0ca2-4fb0-bea1-820d86bc4548, NKC: jk01071024, BNE: XX4887201
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Born in a part of Austria-Hungary that is now Czech; died in Prague.
Pages in category "Kurz, Vilém/Dedicatee"
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