(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kullak, Theodor.)
Theodor Kullak
(12 September 1818 — 1 March 1882)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Kullack
Name in Other Languages: Theodorus Kullak, テオドール・クラク, Теодор Куллак, תיאודור קולאק, ثيودور كولاك, 西奥多·库拉克, 테오도어 쿨라크
Aliases: Theodore Kullak, テオドール・クラック, Куллак Теодор, Kullak
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 15036522, LCCN: nr88002873, ISNI: 000000010872698X, GND: 116607157, SUDOC: 124316808, BNF: 147942725, MusicBrainz: 1a27c198-25b8-4ea1-bc55-633e6cdfc3c7, NKC: ola2004235620, BNE: XX1734588, IATH: w6w386mh
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Pages in category "Kullak, Theodor/Dedicatee"
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