(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kuhe, Wilhelm.)
Wilhelm Kuhe
(10 December 1823 — 8 October 1912)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Guillaume Kuhe, W. Kuhé
Aliases: Wilhelm Kuhé, Guillaume Kuhe
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10601719, LCCN: no2003002167, ISNI: 0000000122763445, [8 more...]GND: 116611537, SELIBR: 374677, SUDOC: 220294240, BIBSYS: 13008709, NLA: 35706778, NKC: mzk2011648892, BNE: XX873414, IATH: w6pn9hdk
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Long-lived pianist of Czech origin, lived in Austria and Germany 1843-45, then from 1847 in England. He organised the Brighton festival 1879-82, then was a teacher at the Royal Academy 1886-1904.