(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Klindworth, Karl.)
Karl Klindworth
(25 September 1830 — 27 July 1916)
Name in Other Languages: كارل كليندورث, カール・クリントヴォルト, Карл Клиндворт, Карл Кліндворт, 卡尔·克林德沃思, 凱爾·克林德伍斯
Aliases: Клиндворт Карл, Karl Ludwig Klindworth
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 24868466, LCCN: n84148378, ISNI: 0000000110467673, [9 more...]GND: 116228660, SUDOC: 118183729, BNF: 14840222s, BIBSYS: 4057104, MusicBrainz: 77cdade3-3929-44c4-af53-269816911f9b, NLA: 35804374, NKC: xx0055520, BNE: XX1753317, IATH: w6765s82
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Pianist and editor, resident in England 1859-66, Moscow 1868-82, Berlin 1882-
His adopted daughter,
Winifred (1897-1980), an English orphan, married at age 18
Siegfried Wagner (1869—1930), Richard Wagner's third child with
Cosima Wagner (Liszt's daughter, formerly Cosima von Bulow)