(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kletzki, Paul.)
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Paul Kletzki
(21 March 1900 — 5 March 1973)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Paweł Klecki
Name in Other Languages: Paweł Klecki, פאול קלצקי, Пауль Клецки, パウル・クレツキ, Paul Klecki, [5 more...]保羅·克列茨基, 保罗·克列茨基, پول كليتزكى, Пауль Клецький, 폴 클레츠키
Aliases: Клецки П., Клецки Пауль, Клецки, Павел, Клецки, Пауль, Павел Клецки, [10 more...]Pawel Kletzki, Kletzki, Pawel Klecki, クレツキ, パヴェウ・クレツキ, パウル・クレツキー, 保罗·克莱茨基, 保羅·克萊茨基, 保罗·克莱特基, 파베우 클레츠키
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 76500565, LCCN: n81090032, ISNI: 0000000109178209, [10 more...]GND: 123219841, SUDOC: 080493742, BNF: 138960399, BIBSYS: 5035370, MusicBrainz: eef731e7-ee74-43a3-b93c-6ed16e367a9f, NKC: jn20010601567, ICCU: RAVV269637, BNE: XX862888, CiNii: DA09483413, IATH: w64x643n
Instrument: conductor
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