(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kleinmichel, Richard.)
Richard Kleinmichel
(31 December 1846 — 31 August 1901)
Name in Other Languages: Рихард Клейнмихель
Aliases: Клейнмихель Рихард
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 74118656, LCCN: n83071746, ISNI: 000000011672735X, GND: 116218290, [6 more...]SUDOC: 080082041, BNF: 148332469, BIBSYS: 5012346, NLA: 36124321, NKC: xx0023130, BNE: XX1745118
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- Russian Wikipedia claims that there's a 2nd symphony... maybe unpublished? (no, see discussion section: Op.52 is probably the "2nd symphony"- but there may still be a first...)